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Contoh Assessment Immersive Multimedia


Gather Examples Of Immersive Multimedia In Education, Business Or Entertainment

Immersive Multimedia In Entertainment

“Paris 3D Saga” is an educative and entertaining journey in the history of Paris beginning 20 centuries ago. In the tour you can relive historical moments like the French revolution and the construction of the Tour Eiffell.
Dassault Systèmes releasing three ways to experience the Paris 3D Saga: a live event (if you have the chance to be in Paris tonight), an online 3D experience, as well as an iPad app.

Source of reference
19 th January 2013

Immersive Multimedia In Education

As the military's enthusiasm for virtual reality training continues to grow, the Army's got a new plan to make the programs freakily immersive: National Defense magazine is reporting that the Army wants to give every soldier a digital doppelganger -- a custom avatar they can use throughout their stints in the military, and in myriad virtual training environs, from urban combat practice to cultural prep.
Source of reference
19 th January 2013

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